Leia Family

This family was such joy to photograph!

These boys were the definition of young boys! They were so funny, had the best imaginations, and were totally obsessed with their trucks/cars and playing in the dirt.

What I loved most about photographing this family is that both parents totally understood that “boys will be boys” and didn’t try to force them to smile. I let them know right off the bat to just let them be themselves, and I’d get fun candid images of the two playing between posing them for formal group shots.

Both mom and dad were on top of wrangling them up when needed, and so great at following direction when instructed so I could get those sweet interactions with them involved.

As I always say, the most important part of any shoot, is to simply have fun. While sometimes photo sessions with little ones can be intimidating, I promise a lot of that stress can be alleviated if you go into the session planning to make the best of it no matter what happens.

These kiddos were the sweetest, and I can’t wait to photograph them again when I’m back in SD!


Morgan + Amanda


Tackett Family